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"Vladan Jovanović"
Dependence of the efficacy of pre-emergence herbicides (PreEM) in common ragweed control of the dose and number of days after herbicide application (DAA). (2019)
S. Mitrić, D. Golić, V. Janjić, D. Božić, Z. Kovačević, V. Jovanović, B. Kelečević, Dependence of the efficacy of pre-emergence herbicides (PreEM) in common ragweed control of the dose and number of days after herbicide application (DAA)., Book of abstract VIII International Symposium and XXIIII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpske, 2019 -
Ефикасност земљишних хербицида у сузбијању амброзије (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) (2019-01-28T09:01:40.514Z)